The grammar of ngl is customisable, see ngl:shape for more informations.
There is two grammars for ngl, the native grammar, used to create the standard grammar.
[3.1] Symbols
: edge{}
: vector data[]
: concrete data<>
: parameterization
[3.2] Keywords
There is no keywords in ngl. As the only way to create an identifier is from another one, the root identifier will be the equivalent of a keyword. It will be created with a self description.
ngl ngl
[3.3] Native grammar
The native grammar is very basic and intrinsic to the ngl compiler. It will just be used to create the standard grammar (the ngl source code shape)
You can only define new shapes from existing shapes or using intrinsic concepts
ngl:shape digit
ngl:range<[0], [9]>
[3.4] Standard grammar
[3.4.1] Expression
[] Description
descriptor : existing identifier described_identifier : new identifier
Self description
ngl ngl
A self descriptor is an entity
Scalar description
ngc number
Post description
ngc movie
ngc:movie // post_description of ngc:movie
Vector description
ngc movie
ngc:name name
ngc:name director
Overwrite description
ngc array
ngl:data data_type
ngc:array integer_array
ngc:integer .data_type // redescription of ngc:array.data_type
All described_identifiers in the bloc are connected to the described_identifier with an edge of type
ngl:edge<ngl, ngc:movie, ngc:movie:name, has>
[] Parameterization
Descriptor parameterization (concept)
ngc zeta
<ngl:concept> data_type // descriptor_identifier require a parameterisation of a ngl:concept
<ngl:concept> data_type ngc:integer // default parameterization
// result in ngl:concept<ngc:integer>
<ngl:concrete> value // descriptor_identifier require a parameterisation of a concrete
<ngl:concrete> value [4] // default parameterization
// result in ngl:concrete<4>
Identifier parameterization (concrete)
ngc array
ngc:number <data_type>
ngc:integer <size> // required described_identifier
ngc:integer size [255]
Overwrite description
ngc array
<ngl:data> data_type
ngc:array integer_array
<ngc:integer> .data_type // redescription of ngc:array.data_type required
// call with integer_array<[4]>
Parameterized description
ngc:project:project_zeta<config: release>
ngl:data release_data
Meta parameterization
A parameterized description can use partially parameterized identifiers
ngc array
<ngc> type
ngc:integer <size>
ngc resizer
ngc <data> // data is ngc:array<ngc:integer, ?>
ngc:integer internal_size [12]
// parameter <size> missing
ngc:resizer<ngc:array<ngc:integer, ?>>
Append datas for the specified values to the parameterized_descriptor
Concept shape
ngc zeta
<ngc<ngc, ngc>> concept // any concept taking 2 required concept parameters
Difference between descriptor and identifier parameterization
<ngl:concept> data_type [ngc:integer] // (1) expect a concept, concrete interpreted as a concept
ngl:concept <data_type> [4] // (2) expect a concrete
(1) array<ngc:number> [ngc:integer ngc:real ngc:complex]
(2) array<ngc:number> [1 2 3]
Identifier in parameters
ngc concept
ngc entity
ngc xeno
// or : ngc [concept entity xeno]
ngl:cluster<entity> // search in current scope then ngl:cluster scope